• 1 cup organic short-grain brown rice
  • 1½ tbsp rice vinegar
  • 1 tbsp evaporated cane sugar
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • 1  small Japanese yam
  • ½  ripe avocado
  • 1  carrot
  • ½  cucumber
  • 3-4 sheets toasted sushi nori
  • ¾ cup crispy brown rice cereal


* Roast Japanese yam at 375°F for 45 minutes, or until soft. Peel and dice when cool and set aside in bowl.

* In a medium saucepan, add 2 cups water and rice and cook according to directions. When cooked, transfer rice into a large bowl. With a wooden paddle, incorporate vinegar, sugar and sea salt into rice until slightly sticky, stirring vigorously. Let cool. Set aside.

~To roll sushi~

Place sheet of toasted nori (shiny side down) on roller. With damp hands, spread cooked rice evenly over nori, leaving ½ inch on top portion of nori bare. Sprinkle with generous helping of crispy rice cereal. Flip sushi over onto plastic wrap lined sushi roller.

* Place small amount cooked yam, avocado, carrots and cucumber in a horizontal line, about 1 inch from base of nori.

* Turn sushi roller with fillings vertical to your body and slowly lift sides of sushi roller while making small rocking motions to align fillings. Using roller, tuck in filling until completely closed, allowing remaining top 3 inches of nori with rice to be exposed.

* Now fully enclose roll and squeeze gently. Slowly rock sushi using roller, until it forms a round shape. Gently press to seal, and round out sushi.

* Slide onto clean surface, and with a serrated damp knife, cut into 1 inch thick slices. When serving, drizzle with teriyaki sauce. Serve with ½ cup pickled ginger.